Being a mother to two young children and a writer, when #boycottchineseproducts started trending, I was researching for my next article, but instead came across something that baffled me!
While it’s a known fact that 90% of toys imported in India come from China, did you know that most of them are made of extremely low quality plastic which is constantly emitting dangerous toxic chemicals into our child’s body, causing irreversible damage to their system??!
I was determined to create awareness amongst fellow parents on the harmful effects of using unsafe toys AND at the same time exploring Indian brands manufacturing world class toys which are organic and barely known! I have noticed several of my peers are still unaware of the adverse effects of using cheap, low-quality plastic toys and that really needs to change!
This prompted me to create KiDSTACK, a go-to brand for discovering safe, non-toxic and made in India toys. Do follow www.instagram/com/ ,where you can find unbiased toy reviews and recommendations of undiscovered Indian brands.
Please join us in this journey to create a safe and sustainable environment for our children.